Question Description

1 Post your initial discussion (approx. 150 words) by Thursday 5pm.

  • Discuss the purpose of an organization’s vision. Why is it important for companies to have vision statements?
  • Compare and contrast two competing companies vision statements (ie. Ford vs. GM, UPS vs. FedEx, McDonalds vs. Subway).
  • Discuss the components of a well-written mission statement.
  • Research a company’s mission statement and provide a critique.
  • Select a company mission statement that you think needs to be revamped. Creatively draft an alternative mission statement and provide support for your revisions.
  • Explain the difference between organizational goals and organizational objectives.
  • ncorporate 2 resources (textbook & online source)
  • Include hyperlink for online sources at the bottom of post
  • ALWAYS give credit to the source of your information.

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